Loughborough University
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Decision–Support System Portal as a tool for mainstreaming DRR into urban decision making

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conference contribution
posted on 2014-09-19, 10:25 authored by Ksenia ChmutinaKsenia Chmutina, Lee S. Bosher, Jon Coaffee
Recent disasters such as Super Storm Sandy, the Haitian Earthquake and extensive floods across the United Kingdom have highlighted the fragility of cities to a range of hazards and threats thus emphasizing the increasing importance of resilience and disaster risk reduction (DRR) and the influences of such concepts upon the management of the built environment. While this makes the role of planning, design and construction stakeholders crucial in implementing the principles of DRR, tensions exist regarding the extent to which DRR measures should be implemented during planning, design and construction process; in particular who should be responsible for the implementation of such measures. This paper presents a web-based Decision-Support System Portal (DSSP) developed during a four-year European Union-funded project which is examining the design and planning of safer urban spaces. Central to the project is an integrated security and resilience (ISR) design framework that engages local stakeholders for identifying vulnerabilities and improving urban spaces with respect to ‘security threats’. The DSSP helps end-users better understand the vulnerabilities and design possibilities of the proposed site by allowing users to pursue decision-support scenarios of secure urban design and planning.


This article has drawn from empirical work collected through the ‘Designing Safer Urban Spaces’ (DESURBS) project. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 261652.



  • Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering

Published in

International Disaster and Risk Conference


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CHMUTINA, K., BOSHER, L.S. and COAFFEE, J., 2014. Decision–Support System Portal as a tool for mainstreaming DRR into urban decision making. IN: Stal, M., Sigrist, D. and Ammann, W. (eds). Proceedings of the 5th International Disaster and Risk Conference. Integrative Risk Management - The Role of Science, Technology and Practice, 24th-28th August 2014, Davos, Switzerland, pp. 163-166.


© Global Risk Forum GRF Davos


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